Soft Skills are recognized as the most essential skills for greater success in personal, professional and social lives. Soft skills are character traits and interpersonal skills that characterize a person's relationships with other people.In the workplace, soft skills are considered to be a complement to hard skills, which refer to a person's knowledge and occupational skills.
Communication skills are almost always high on the ‘essential skills’ list in any job advertisement.
No matter what a job entails, it’s essential to have excellent communication skills to build relationships.As communication is the most important aspect of working of team dynamism, incomplete and miscommunication can result in lesser effectiveness of the team resulting in poor performance.If you can present ideas in a logical manner and are well-received, you have a serious advantage over others.
The term ‘Life Skills’ refers to the skills you need to make the most out of life.
Any skill that is useful in your life can be considered a life skill. Tying your shoe laces, swimming, driving a car and using a computer are, for most people, useful life skills. Broadly speaking, the term ‘life skills’ is usually used for any of the skills needed to deal well and effectively with the challenges of life.
Being able to make decisions is valued by all for many reasons, and also essential in life.
We all have to make decisions every day, from what we have for breakfast, to more important decisions like whether to study, apply for a new job or when to get married. Sometimes the actual decision doesn’t even matter; what matters is that you have made one and moved on.
Being able to make good decisions can also help with problem-solving, because it enables you to choose between possible solutions.
Leadership skills are the skills required to take the lead when necessary.
They include the ability to manage and motivate others, and to delegate work. These are the set of soft skills that we least expect someone to develop by themselves. Employers understand that it is hard to develop skills without being able to practise them every day.
There are therefore many leadership trainings courses available and much has been written about how to develop your leadership skills. Our leadership skills pages describe many of the skills needed for effective leadership and how to develop your leadership skills.
Team-working skills are broadly for those required to communicate, work effectively with other people.
They are, therefore, basically interpersonal skills. Good communication skills, particularly good listening skills, ability to build rapport will go a long way to support your ability to work well in a team.There are, however, some specific skills and areas of expertise that may be helpful if you need to work closely with other people.
Like leadership skills, problem-solving skills are highly valued because they are hard to develop.
There are many people who believe that creative thinkers are born, not made. There are certainly some people who find these skills much easier. But, like other skills, you can develop If you excel at thinking outside the box. These qualities are important in today’s information economy, where machines and software are quickly replacing humans for rote tasks. Being able to solve problems will prove useful in any sector.
Time management and ability to work under pressure are two areas, put together, can be summed up as ability to get the job done at the time available.
Many would say that these two skills, which often go hand-in-hand, are more an attitude than a skill. Eighty five percent of managers reported work ethic as the most important factor in employee success. They are highly valued by parents, employers, but are also very useful for organising a family or a team, and making sure that the job gets done at work or at home. If you work hard, accomplish goals on a deadline and do a job efficiently, you’ll always be employed.
Our programs are aimed to identify the areas of concerns in candidates and coach them in their weak areas to improve their soft skills as a whole.